Monday, April 13, 2009

Health Tips For The Diabetic

Are you diabetic? That is to say, do you have excess sugar in your blood or urine? or are you already a victim of some the serious complications of diabetes? If your answer is "yes" to all or any of the above questions, you are likely to benefit from the followimg health tips.
A couple of years ago the Ministry of Health stated that we have millions of diabetics in Nigeria and the ministry warned on the dangers of allowing the trend to go on unchecked.
As diabetic, it is also important for you ti know that your ailment is controllable, if you are licky you you may belong to the class of a few cases that are curable evem if you have some serious diabetic complications like cataract and gangrene.
There is hope that such degenerative signs can be arrested or if you are lucky, completely reversed. You need to know that many diabetics have been living a normal and useful life for decades without experiencing any serious complication.
With a good understanding and management of your condition, you too can live a normal lifespan full of gainful activities without suffering from any serious complication.
What you need most for survivalis self discipline acompanied by implicit faith in God as well as strict obedience to His laws which are invariably the laws of nature, another thing you need to do is to abstain completely from eating sugar and foods sweetened with sugar.
This of course means that the so called soft drink are not god for you, you are also advised to avoid flour products like bread, cakes and cookies, however whole flour products should always be pevented, since complex or heavy carbohydrate foods are potentially loaded with excess sugar, theyare to be taken in limited quantities.
Carbohydrates obtained from grains like unpolished rice, maize, sorghum and millet should be preffered to those obtained from tubers like cassava, yams and cocoyams.
However irish potatoes are easily digestible tubers that diabetics can use to replace the local yams and cassavea. Fruits and vegetables cinstitute a welcome diet for diabetics. The fruits that are mist useful include water melon, carrats, unripe pawpaw, unripe plantains, apples, lemon, cittrus grape, onions, tomatoes, and garlic.
These fruits comtains tolerable amount of sugar for the diebetic.
Very sweet fruits like bananas, ripe platains and sweet orange should be avoided, one common scientiests have recently proved to be a sweet type of protein is Sacophrynum Brachystachys.
The jelly-like pulp that covers the black seed of this fruit is said to be many times as sweet as the common sugar, however it is not a carbohydrate sugar but a sweet type of protein. Although i learnt that the synthetic form of this sweet protein is already in the Nigeria market, i believe that a heathier and mire natural form can be processed and packaged directly from the natural fruits.
Sacophrynum Brachytachys is widely cultivated in the rain forest of southern Nigeria especially for its domestically useful leaves, unfortunately most of those who grow the plant for its leaves hardly know what to do with the bright-red fruits.
I feel it should not be too dificult to process these fruits into botled natural sweet protein drinks for diabetics and those who seek alternatives to the common sugar.
Among the vegetables Vernonia Amygdalina, Talinum Triangulare and Solamum Macrocarpon are god for the diebetic.
Herb-tea preparations from Viscus album (yoruba: Afomo-onisana), sorel fruits (Yoruba: Isapa) and Alstonia bark(Yoruba: Awun) are also of immense benefit.
It is also important for the diabetic to appreciate the need to minimise stress in his or her day to day activities.
Stress has been known to cause or aggravate diabetes mellitus and should be avoided as mich as possible.

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